In a photo the rapper shared online, he was spotted casually donning a pair of black slippers, popularly known in Ghana as chalewote. The photo caused a stir online, with many fans seeking to know why the rapper chose the chalewote over a more conventional option, especially on an international trip.
During Medikal’s live online interaction with, the rapper, who has always dared to be different in Ghana’s music industry, shared the backstory behind his love for his lucky chalewote, as he called it.
The rapper took’s fans back to a moment when he was called for an impromptu meeting while in the lucky black slippers, only to be greeted with a deal worth a million dollars.
“I signed a deal worth a million dollars wearing this chalewote. People may not value it. But in the future, I hope to pass it on to someone who values it just to ensure its worth is sustained for a long time,” Medikal disclosed”.